نامه ها و نوشته ها

The only priority is saving Iran and our nation

The tension that is controlling the opposition is the result of a lack of recognition for political priorities, inconsiderate actions, and immaturity in having an intra-opposition dialogue. 

In the current climate, the people, exhausted from months of uproar over creating a united front, have continuously used every opportunity to protest. It's crucial for the political forces to understand that the Iranian nation's patience and resilience is not equivalent to a lack of awareness about these tensions. 

The credibility and opportunity that is given by the people is not eternal and permanent and if the necessities aren't understood, people will move on from all political forces at once.

By recognizing the exigencies, providing a solid plan and thought-out responses, with unity and solidarity, we must stand together and take strong steps for the future of Iran and decreasing the costs of change.

The lack of understanding about the turbulent and acute conditions of the country and people's immediate need for putting an end to this situation, is another critical issue facing the Iranian opposition.

It is necessary for us to be committed to Iran and prioritize certain valus such as territorial integrity, democracy, constitutional obligation towards human rights, secularism, free elections, independent judiciary, and peaceful relations with the international community in accordance with our national interests.

Some political activists, have chosen to focus on creating challenges and tensions and undermining others; such behaviors that have no result other than division help the regime to regain and restore its international facade in order to take stronger control over the deplorable situation we're in.

Those who prioritize their own interests over Iran and saving Iran, are only contributing to the problem rather than finding a solution. I hope that the well-known figures in the opposition open the gateway for direct communication with the people instead of limiting themselves to the loud voices of those around them, so that they can remove the obstacles on the path to a national unity by holding themselves accountable and responsible to the people and transparently addressing their questions and concerns.

In the current climate, sectarian ans tribal politics will have no results, and we must stay away from such methods in the absence of a possibility for healthy competition in a free election.

Because, saving Iran and our nation must be the one and only priority for any political group or individual.

۳ نظر:

  1. درود آقای ملکی
    متن خوبی را نوشته اید. چرا به انگلیسی!؟ وقتی که مخاطب شما اپوزیسیون هست و اونها همه که همه فارسی زبانند!
    در هر حال متن شما را در بروزر خودم کپی کردم و تحت افزونه Grammarly چک کردم. یکسری اشکالات یافت (19 تا) که اکثرن مربوط به کلمات article بود (a/the/an) و یکسری جاها که preposition را ایراد گرفته بود. و چند اشتباه تایپی محدود. پیشنهاد میدهم که از این افزونه + دو سایتی که در اینجا معرفی نموده ام استفاده کنید. بخصوص از quillbot که متن شما را چند لول بالاتر میبره!
    ممنون بابت مقاله خوبتان.
    سلامت، شاد و موفق باشید.

  2. thank you I posted your article on my face book. I like to post it on my tweet. can you please a twitter format to post your articles. thanks . keep the good work. IRI is a dying regime in its last leg. victory woman life freedom amen


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